Being a mother surely makes one feel needed. In all my life I have never felt as loved, desired or even purposeful as I do now that I have these three beings that came from within. For me, that is almost enough. I say almost, because I know that for some that is enough. For some being a mother is their sole purpose in life. I have friends who are such goddess mamas that the day they held their firstborn, they knew they had discovered the meaning of life. And I have many other mama friends, who are just as wonderful in every way, whom do not find their purpose through motherhood. We all lie somewhere along this spectrum.
I love my kids and I adore being a stay at home mother, but I know that is not my sole purpose. There are many magical days where I feel blessed beyond belief that this is my life. There are those days that I have to pinch myself just to be sure I'm not dreaming. Those days like last Friday where I hired a sitter to literally sit with a baby monitor watching my sleeping Isaac so that I could go out to lunch with my first daughter who had the day off school. We ate a luxurious lunch and then went to the preschool where she read for her former class and her sister's current class of 3-4 year olds. We followed it up with beach time play with some of our closest friends, followed by a quiet drive home and a relaxing dinner and fit-free evening. Those days are wonderful and they do occur, but even on those best days there is fighting and screaming and hair pulling and pushing and dirty diapers and sandy butts and sandy eyes and messes upon messes. I can not feel that my purpose in life is to clean up messes. I need more.
Luckily I have running and that has been where I find my purpose most days, especially on extra challenging days. I feel fortunate that running in and of itself has always felt purposeful to me. Now is when the famous Bill Bowerman quote floats through my head,
"Running, one might say, is basically an absurd past-time upon which to be exhausting ourselves. But if you can find meaning, in the kind of running you have to do to stay on this team, chances are you will be able to find meaning in another absurd past-time: life.”
I can find great amount of meaning in my running. I recently reached the 1-yr anniversary owning my triple stroller and with that one year of serious running with the kids. This past year has changed me in many ways, but one of the biggest changes has been my preference to run with a stroller versus rolling alone. Just like any new mother, the running jogger was awkward, annoying and a nuisance. It was not love at first run. Scroll through my past blog entries for more on this…
Yesterday Alan was home, after a lengthy work trip overseas, and I just wanted to savor our time together. I finally had my partner, my love and my co-parent back. He was home all morning and it was a lazy one. One in which no one brushes their teeth, hair or changes out of PJ's until past 9am. We were still up before 7am, but enjoyed a nice breakfast, multiple cups of black tea and extended play downstairs as a family. It crossed my mind a few times that I could sneak out for a solo run. There was nothing to do, nothing to be done and surely no one would mind if I went on a run. Except me. I didn't want to miss this family time. The kids seem to be growing under my own nose and lately I am feeling like I don't want to miss a thing because it just goes so darn fast. So I stayed put.
Finally it was 9:30 and the weatherman was calling for another 100+ degree day. Alan wanted to mountain bike ride, it was nearing Isaac's nap time and I had nothing to do. So I loaded all three in the stroller and had a blast running up the hills, exploring our local trails together with my little ones. I was overcome by how much more fun it is running together. It just makes running feel so much more purposeful. Together, I felt, we were accomplishing something great. Yesterday, under the hot summer sun, covered in dirt and sweat, watching three little ones hike (during a mid-run break) up and over steep climbs, I found my purpose.
What is your purpose? What do you do or need to do to find some purpose in this life?