In just 10 days Isaac will celebrate his first birthday. The rapidity of life never ceases to amaze me. I will never forget that memorable Monday in which I returned home from a double stroller run with my girls feeling a little bit of stretching in my belly and moments later discovered that indeed there was a precious little one expanding himself within. I won't lie, that moment of discovery terrified me. I had plans, for heavens sake. I wanted to run a marathon, I was fit, possibly in the best shape of my life. I was selfish, I feared having to start all over again and feared that I couldn't do it. Maybe I would never run a marathon now, being pregnant again, going through the process of gaining weight, losing fitness, etc. etc. These thoughts crowded my mind.
One year and 9 months later, I realize how silly I was. As women, our bodies are made to do this. Our bodies and souls were created to stretch and grow for the sake of new life and beauty. My body has now stretched and contracted itself three times and has created so much beauty for this world. Though it does take time post-partum to feel like yourself again and be fit and active, it happens. Less than one year since my son's birth I just may be in the best shape of my life again. More importantly, I am healthy and happy and love my body. I love it for it's capacity to stretch and grow. It has taken me years to feel such love for myself.
As a mother of two daughters, I pray that my girls will always have the same love and respect for their bodies as they possess today. We have an old scale in our house, tucked away in the bathroom cupboard. Cesia pulled it out the other day, hopped on and excitedly shouted, "Mama, what does it say?!" "28.2," I responded. "Yay, that's exactly what I wanted!" she replied. In that moment, a huge smile spread across my face. I believe that is how we should all feel upon stepping on the scale. The number that appears is a number and that is all. It doesn't make us, or represent us, we are not made any more whole by that number. It is just a number and should be exactly what we wanted in that moment.
One organization that is helping girls feel positive in their bodies and live stronger, healthier, happier lives is Girls on the Run. I first became involved with Girls on the Run (GOTR) of Chicago back in High School when my father led a local site on the south side of Chicago for elementary school aged girls. Then in 2005, while in college in California, I became involved with the GOTR SoCal organization. I coached at Mar Vista Elementary school for a few seasons and worked as an intern in the local office as an administrative assistant, preparing packets and materials for all GOTR SoCal coaches and local sites.
GOTR is a life skills running program for girls ages 8-13. The program combines training for a non-competitive 5K with lessons that inspire adolescent females to recognize their individual strengths and talents. The program encourages positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development. With a detailed curriculum of games, activities, discussions, and running, girls experience the joy of simply being themselves. How wonderful is that!
At the end of 2013, Denise and I registered to run the LA Marathon as a relay charity team. She will complete the first 13.1 miles and then hand her figurative baton to me as I finish the final 13.1 miles, running for local LA girls. As Girls on the Run SoleMates, we have volunteered to raise $250 each for the non-profit organization. I am asking you to please help me in my fundraising efforts to support such a wonderful local organization. If each one of my readers contributed just $1 I would surpass my fundraising goals. A little goes a long way! 100% of contributions will go towards sponsoring adolescent girls to participate in GOTR LA programs, girls who would otherwise not be able to afford it. Your contributions -- however large or small -- will make a lifelong difference in the journey of young girls. I believe that if girls are told they are strong and beautiful and made to feel as such, they will accomplish amazing feats.
Please help support us by clicking on this link:
Thank you so much in advance! I will keep you updated on training and fundraising for the LA Charity Marathon Relay - in which I am so excited to participate in on March 9, 2014!
Check out the GOTR-LA website for more information or to get involved! They are doing amazing things.
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