Lately, the "Mama-do" list has included:
1. Morning cooking classes with the girls, from the comfort of our kitchen, in PJ's covered with hand-sewn aprons by Grandma. In one swoop and one messy hour the four of us get in some quality bonding, math lessons (3 teaspoons + 2 teaspoons = how many teaspoons?), messages on eating whole healthy foods and of course a delicious meal to enjoy! Isaac has decided to join in on the fun, and boy, can that 14 month old mix!
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Three peas in the kitchen. |
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One crowded kitchen. |
2. Gardening. I awoke last Wednesday morning with a deep, primal urge to start a garden. "Right now, I feel like I need to start gardening," I told Alan beside me in bed, before the clock even reached 6am. "Like, right now?" he responded, eyes only half-open. By noon on Wednesday we had hit the local nursery and filled our yard with bags of soil, rakes, shovels, and an oversized green bin full of weeds. For the next five days our hands were covered with dirt, feet with mud and faces with smiles as the four of us (five, when Alan was home over the weekend) became closer friends with Mother Earth and created our first little herb and vegetable garden together.
Side note: All three kids came down with a nasty virus called Hand, Foot, Mouth last week which meant no school and no playmates for a full week. What better way to pass the days in our beautiful Spring weather than in the garden?
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Lunch break in our spruced-up yard. We have found ourselves eating nearly every lunch and dinner out here for the past week. |
3. Running and Racing. It's Spring! It's official says Adara, as her preschool calendar said so! And with Spring comes Racing Season. I have a long list of upcoming races, mostly trail, a few road and all for maximization of fun and happiness for this Mama. Next race: Great Race of Agoura 10K tomorrow morning! Coming off a big 1/2 Marathon PR just two weeks ago and feeling rested and ready, my goal is to run sub-43 minutes tomorrow. That would be a 2 minute PR from the November Calabasas 10K, which I ran pushing Isaac after nearly a full month off running nursing a calcaneus stress reaction.
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10K Training. Sleepy Sunday long run with the triple. The virus wiped out both girls on this afternoon run. |
4. Nursery School volunteering. Spring also means our annual Nursery School Ice Cream Social and Silent Auction. To many this means partying and eating ice cream, to the tireless volunteers engaged in the responsibilities of hosting such an event, it means long hours and endless days of acquiring donations, inputting donations, prep work and more prep work and… I try to do as much of this at night as possible, or when Isaac is asleep and the girls are in the yard. I squeeze in any amount of work I can when the girls are occupied and ignoring me. I am very aware that my position on the preschool advisory committee is a volunteer one and being present with my children comes first, especially when Cesia reminds me, "Mama, you are supposed to be our Mama, not a worker. Please don't do so much work today." They need me and if that means our school fundraiser isn't quite as successful as it was last year, then so be it. (Sorry fellow NSAC-ers. : ))
5. Teaching. With the kids on sick leave from school last week I popped into full-mode homeschooling Mama, and loved every minute of it. We all needed some excitement to pass the days together without any social interactions (and germ-spreading). When we were not in the garden we were making homemade green play dough for St. Patrick's Day. I feel a little less worried when Isaac eats fist after fist of this natural flour/salt combination. You could also find us pouring over books. Isaac has recently become book-obsessed and often retreats to his corner bedroom in silence only to be discovered thumbing through a huge pile of books. Big sister Adara, who will turn 5 in August and begin Kindergarten in the Fall, made a huge breakthrough this past week when she read her first words. She has been a total book worm since she was 6 months old, and the past several months has been working hard sounding out syllables and spelling and writing sentences on her own. Her list of reading words (I mean really reading, not just picture/word matched flash cards) is growing by the day as she randomly asks me, "Mama, why does that sign say "No Parking?" as we run past in the triple stroller. Or reads full sentences in beginner reading books. This whole reading business is quite exciting!
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Taking a break from "work" to make some homemade Green Mint playdough on St. Patrick's Day! |
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Adara creating her playdough family. |
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Our littlest bookworm. |
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Loves the peek-a-boo books. |
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Look who wrote her name yesterday for the very first time! (Sorry for the upside down photo, my phone won't flip it. ) |
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Celebrating a day of luck and love, and all being forced to wear green by Adara Kelly this St. Patrick's Day! |
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