Today was a home day. It was one of those slow paced recovery mode days that we all needed so desperately. Adara and Isaac both had three rounds of vaccinations at yesterday's well-child check up and boy were they hurting today. Poor babies were both up whining and writhing in pain several times last night, in very untypical fashion for these tough kids. When Adara finally rolled out of bed after 8:00am and announced that she was
really tired and wanted to stay home today, we scratched out all mental to-do adventure lists (which included exciting possibilities of visiting the LA Zoo's brand new Rainforest Exhibit, a Santa Monica beach trip, strawberry picking at the farm or downtown LA water fountain fun). Lists destroyed, below is a snapshot of our Tuesday.
1. Coffee and bagels on the couch with Cesia. Little brother was up and crying before 5am, refused the finest rocking motions and best attempts at cuddling him back to dreamland. After a 2-hr stint which included eating breakfast with his eyes closed (Seriously, the kid ate every blackberry and an entire bowl of oatmeal with his eyes shut), he was back in bed at 7am when child #2 came tip-toeing down the stairs. Cesia and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of pink bagels with cream cheese and coffee. Today was a coffee day, indeed.
My two favorite C's this morning: Cesia and Coffee. |
Sharing pink bagels on the couch. |
2. A late-morning trail run with a brief respite to enjoy the views. In ultra-recovery mode, I ran an easy 1.5 miles up to the climbing trees (or as easy as possible while still pushing the triple up to Mulholland) and let the kids free. They typically beg to get out and I typically bribe or distract them with games and snacks and other stroller running mama tricks to keep them happy while getting in my miles. Today I didn't feel the need to push. I stopped at the trees and unbuckled their seat belts. But something strange happened, they didn't jump out. They didn't even move. It was 10am and they were pooped. Clearly yesterday's shots left these active kiddos drained. I slowly peeled their bodies from the stroller and held hands as we leisurely walked up the single track to admire this blessed view and pick some yellow wildflowers that had bloomed so gorgeously since our last trip up the road.
A boy and his flower. |
My favorite from today. |
Three in the tub. Where's Cesia?
4. Books and crayons in the yard mid-afternoon. Isaac was down for nap #2 by 2:00, so we retreated to the yard in PJ's with piles of books to be read.
Adara reading to Cesia. |
Story time. |
Coloring break. |
5. With early mornings come early bedtimes. All three kids were snug in their beds by 6:30pm. A few water breaks for Cesia, one PJ change for Adara (she does sleep in the top bunk, heat rises and it is currently 87 degrees outside) and I have not heard a peep since 7:00. Alan is traveling and while I miss out on spousal time (and support!), I gain plenty of that coveted ME time. Tonight I got plenty of that as I spent the better part of three hours in the kitchen chopping, dicing, sautéing, simmering, roasting and creating mouth-watering veggie dishes with the contents of this week's organic produce box. Tomorrow, we shall eat.
Steamed lemony beet salad, White Miso Butter Turnips (hands-down the best turnip recipe I have ever tried - from Julie Morris' Superfoods), Quinoa veggie cakes-turned casserole with slivered chard and chopped cilantro. |
That was our day. A good day, a long day. Tonight I will fall asleep knowing that all three kids were made to feel loved, appreciated and held. It was just the type of day we needed: low on adventure and activity, high on love and
togetherness. Goodnight!
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