It has been another lapse. Another lengthy time between posts. The lapse has all been for a good reason. We have been busy -- good busy. In an effort to simplify this life and enjoy my three precious little ones who are growing bigger and stronger and faster by the day, I have made a conscious effort to write when I have time and only then. I love writing and it brings me peace and calm but only when I do not stress about it. I find some irony or hypocrisy, even, when I sit here and write about simplifying my life while simultaneously wringing my hands over when I can find the time to blog.
Some of the incredible mamas and bloggers out there whom I follow post at least once/week if not 3x/week. I find myself wondering how they do it. And I love that they do post often because their writing inspires me, feeds me.
How do they fit it in? Then I am reminded once again that everything in life is all about priorities.
How did I find time to run 40 miles last week with a long run of 14? How did I find time to run 14 miles and then cook an elaborate dinner? We all have our priorities and as much as I love writing, at this moment in my life it simply sits mid-list. Mid-list behind child loving and caring and feeding and everything else child-related, running and being a centered-peaceful presence as a wife and partner. I suspect those other mama bloggers who manage to post with much more frequency simply
need it more. I need running, we all know that, and so running never lapses. I can't say the same for my writing right now...
So, here I am, lied out on the couch between my two girls who are elatedly watching Tangled for the very first time. Typing away between glances at the film and my girls and the baby monitor, fitting it all in the best way I know how. I awoke this morning with a nasty bout of food poisoning (I suspect, from some of the veggies in the delicious green-stuffed portabella mushroom quinoa cake dish I made last night). My stomach seems to be more sensitive these days from bacteria or bugs in veggies as this is the third (suspected) bout of food poisoning/violent stomach illness I have had in 2 months. I am not sure if it's due to increased running and general stomach sensitivity issues or a decreased gut-flora good-bacteria level, but I do know I will take my probiotics religiously and pray the worst of it is over. So anyway, I find myself lying on the couch typing and not feeling guilty that the girls are watching a movie mid-summers day because I am sick. Mama needs to rest, but isn't so good at resting (I'll share that little secret with you) so at least she's lying down and getting something accomplished via computer at the same time.
I have about 10 different posts competing for attention in my head right now. I have been desperately wanting to share my now-very-postponed Trail 1/2 Marathon Race Report with you from the Valley Crest 1/2 Marathon I ran (and wiped out and had stomach issues-mid race and ultimately finished third) on June 8th. I have also been antsy to write about our two-weeks in Chicago and how it felt to be back in the midwest. Or I could write about our two-week road trip that followed soon after and how I felt deeply connected to Oregon and hope to find my way back there soon. I could write of my first ever marathon training and how I plan(ned) to run 16 miles tomorrow, though post-food-poisoning weakness will have to determine whether I get to do that tomorrow or must wait a few more days. I could write of how much I have enjoyed summer and its long days and these kids and exploring and getting dirty (Isaac dirty, which is a whole new level of dirtiness) and making s'mores and daily family trail runs (where Alan pushes the triple stroller!) and beach visits and spending time with extended family and how their love and help is so appreciated.
Someday, I may write about those adventures. But right now I think I will share some photo highlights from summer adventures and then get back to watching Tangled with my girls. It's all about priorities, right. : )
Lincoln Park Zoo with Grandma. |
Sisters. |
Cesia being Cesia. |
Daddy joins us for the weekend in Chicago. Navy Pier Ferris Wheel. |
Ghiradelli Square, San Francisco. |
Lake of the Woods Oregon, right outside our perfectly snug little cabin. |
Building our evening campfire. |
Little boy and his rocks. |
Cesia and Alan on the paddle boat. |
Early morning lake walk. |
Love. |
I hope your summer has been full of adventure, long days full of sunshine, sticky sand, dirty feet and sun screened babies. The days are slipping by slowly and school will be here before we know it. I have a daughter who is about to turn 5 and life just moves too fast. Enjoy it and celebrate it! Happy Summer!
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