Saturday, November 1, 2014

New Site Launched!

It is with great excitement that I announce my new baby! 

Very first pregnancy picture ever taken.
Adara inside, 2008.

Just kidding, baby factory has been closed here, but I am thrilled to launch my new (and first real) website:

This project began on 8/27/13 when I wrote my very first blog entry here. It has been through this blog that I have re-ignited my passion for writing, have discovered inner beauty and purpose for myself and have loved sharing my world with you. There have been times I've written frequently and months that have passed with nary an entry. When I skip a day -- or days -- of running, I feel just blah. I miss out on that burst of endorphins and, more importantly, on the feeling that I took time to do something for myself. So it has become with writing. I will challenge myself to write more frequently, 1-2x/week or when I feel the need, because I have found that I need it. 

In an effort to broaden the spectrum, increase my readership and turn my baby blog into something bigger and wider-reaching, I decided last weekend that I would purchase a domain and build my own website. Having precisely zero skill or previous experience with this type of venture, I have spent every free moment (i.e., during nap time, after putting the kids to bed and during the middle of the night) to get this up and running. It will be a work in progress and a journey — as is life and I am loving every minute of it. Lots more to come in the next few weeks as I continue editing and developing my site. Come along for the run and enjoy! As always, thanks for reading and sharing and making this all possible. : )

1 comment:

  1. Nice baby bump! Yeah, you kinda tricked us into thinking that’s a latest one. Haha! On the other hand, it’s good to hear about your new website. That would make a nice platform to announce baby news when the time comes. I look forward to reading your up-to-date mummy adventures in your new website. Have a great day!

    Thomas Estrada @ Prospects 24×7
