Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Climbing Trees

Today was just a typical Tuesday. Alan is out of town on a quick business trip to the Midwest, the girls were up by 5am and the little boy followed soon after. We had nothing planned, per our typical Tuesday schedule (or lack thereof). We like to keep busy most days. The girls go to school Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thursday is gymnastics day for both Adara and Cesia about 12 miles away which means it takes up our whole afternoon, especially when you take into account that we begin the process of leaving the house a good 20 minutes before we actually have to leave. Leaving takes time.

Tuesdays we try not to leave. It is a great day when we don't have to drive. There is time for adventure, time for beach days and city explorations, time for road trips, but there is also a time for that much overlooked option of just staying put. Enjoying your home, your kids, staying in PJ's until noon (or 3pm), cooking slow and leisurely, letting dirty dishes pile up in the sink, letting toddlers draw on their plastic animals and be messy, moving the art table inside at 6am for some painting time so that you don't wake the neighbors, spending 2 hours at "the climbing trees" while little ones rest and dream and explore.

Today was a home day. It was the best kind of home day, where the only time we left the perimeter was for a relaxed run to our magical spot: the climbing trees. It is our spot to rejuvenate, restore, relax, reflect. Adara had the right idea this morning when she packed her journal and astronaut pen -- brought home by daddy from last year's World Science Festival in NYC -- into her little purse before hopping into the triple. Cesia grabbed her blankie and purple frog PJ's which arrived in the mail last week for her Halloween costume and she hasn't put down since their arrival, though she hasn't even tried them on, just likes to hold, cuddle and sleep with the fave fleecy footies. Little sister knew that a long afternoon nap was in store for her today. Not being able to run these past two weeks, she has missed many naps (it's nearly the only way I can get her to fall asleep) so today she wasn't messing around. Comfort items in hand, she was drifting through dreamland before we even made it the half mile to the trail.

Just reached the trail. Two ready to play, one ready to dream.
Adara and Isaac explore while Cesia sleeps in the background.

Adara writing in her journal. In the past week she has made a huge leap
and now writes all her letters and remembers how to spell her friends' names and other words.

Littlest climber.

Just enjoying life and each other.

My Isaac. Feeling so in love with this boy, always.

After laying low for more than two weeks and actually listening to my doctor(s) and not running, my foot is feeling pretty good. In fact, I have not felt any pain at all for two days now. I feel proud of myself.. for taking care of my body, for resting, for healing, for staying put. I will continue to run smart, to take it easy, avoid rushing into fast miles or long runs or anything too strenuous until my bones heal completely. I am being patient, happy and enjoying the tiny moments of today: running, nature, our spot, my three beautiful babies who bring so much joy into my life, dinner play-dates with friends, giggles and plans for hide and seek setting the background tone for chatting mamas, independent babies who suddenly spit out purees in favor of feeding themselves ABC pasta and meatballs and whole roasted sweet potatoes, the feeling of missing your husband and anxiously awaiting his return home to complete our family.

Little boy refused to eat for nearly 1 week, finally I thought to give him "real" food
rather than the pureed version of our meals and he went to town!

Adara shows Isaac the ropes.

What are you enjoying this Tuesday evening? How do you find your peace? Is it in seeking adventure or staying put? Do you have a secret spot? I know that someday we will move, the kids will be older, they won't want to sit in the stroller or join me on runs, they will choose their friends over time spent with mama. We only have this life for so long and our kids are only little for such a brief period, so enjoy it. Find your climbing trees.

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